“I don’t give a damn about Paris Hilton”

Jezebel picked up on a story in the Washington Post and the The Daily Telegraph about the surprising shared cameraman (Nick Ut) behind the following well-known photographs:
juxtaposition of Nick Ut's images of war and Paris Hilton

The Face(book) of Campus Violence

If you hadn’t heard, two Penn State students dressed up for Halloween as victims of the Virginia Tech campus shooting. These pictures popped up on facebook, and last weekthe mainstream media caught the story. This week, Northern Illinois University rescheduled the first day of final examinations after a threat was found scrawled in a dorm bathroom. These two events are linked, not merely because the NIU threat made reference to the Virginia Tech shooting, but because both events, and the Virginia Tech tragedy along with them, are funded by individuals’ odd attachment to a kind of transgressive iconic visual performance.

Suicide Food on your lunch break?

After running out of passive aggressive notes to look at when taking breaks from my work, I began branching out to the various blogs mentioned on the website. My newest favorite is Suicide Food. What is suicide food, one might ask?

Arapahoe Pig Roasters sign from the Suicide Food website

Do you know where your manholes came from?

Adam Huggins, a free-lance photograph for the New York Times recently made a visual argument that caused a lot of people to pay attention to manholes.

Foundry Workers wearing only cloth wraps carrying molten metal to the manhole molds

Security Vests and Doctoring Photos

Cannon advertisement photograph of photographers taking pictures with the red vests on.  The text reads: Inspired.  By Cannon.

Although Cannon probably sells a lot of photography equipment to journalists, according to a www.news.com article, they made some of these loyal customers very angry when the NFL made it mandatory for photojournalists to wear a red vest with the Cannon logo on it for "security" reasons.

For those of you interested in cartoons...

Wonkette runs a weekly feature in their "Joke and Dagger Department" in which they get the "Comics Curmudgeon" to look at the week's political cartoons. This week focuses on the (wo)man-beasts slouching towards the White House:
political cartoon: GOP pet store

Police should use caricatures to identify criminals

caricature of Arnold Schwarzenegger by Glenn Ferguson

The Guardian is reporting that a study by Charlie Frowd, Vicki Bruce, David Ross, Alex McIntyre, and Peter J. B. Hancock at the University of Central Lancashire published in Visual Cognition found that subjects were able to identify a caricature of a person’s face 40% of the time, but could only identify the same face in a police sketch 20% of the time.

via Boing Boing

History of children’s literature illustration

Slate has posted a slideshow on the history of the illustration of American children’s books. The slides are based on Timothy G. Young’s book, Drawn To Enchant, which explains how images for children went from orderly scenes of proper behavior, like this one by Justin H. Howard for Doings of the Alphabet (excluding, of course, the bratty mischief-makers in the background):

illustration by Justin H. Howard for Doings of the Alphabet, published in 1869

to the madcap drawings of Maurice Sendak:

illustration by Maurice Sendak for Where the Wild Things Are, published in 1963

Unfair advantage?

The Human Rights Campaign's Daily Newsletter recently spotlighted an article in The New York Times about Michelle Bruce, a 46 year old politician in Riverdale, GA.

Michelle Bruce, 46, transgender politician in Riverdale, GA

Photo Op

Interesting arrangement/focus in the leading photo on the front page of The New York Times:
Bush and Gore in oval office
(Doug Mills/The New York Times)
Gore finds himself in front here (a little too close) and President Bush smiles, leering over his shoulder. The entire composition feels uncomfortable and, if this weren't the feeling they were going for, I'm sure the awkward photo would have ended up on the (virtual) cutting room floor.

Maybe I'm just feeling seasonal, but it seems they've chosen one of these men as the Grinch:
The grinch

Wonkette offers a different shot in which GWB is somewhat less creepy.

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