Reappropriation of Visual Symbols

The reappropriation of the word "queer" from a pejorative term to a term of self-identity and strength for the gay community has been well documented. It's worth pointing out though that another symbol currently associated with the gay rights movement, a pink triangle, is itself reappropriated from its much more menacing origins in Nazi identification systems. The pink triangle was, like the more well-known yellow Star of David, used to mark a population the Nazis deemed threatening, in this case homosexual men. Trusty Wikipedia has a brief discussion of the phenomenon with lots of relevant links.

Nazi identification system chart


Nazi Symbols

I had no idea the pink triangle was a nazi symbol marking homosexuals! I find it fascinating that the homosexual community would find that a suitable symbol to represent themselves.

I'm inclined to agree with

I'm inclined to agree with Michael. The entire point of reappropriation of this type is to take the wind out of a once hateful piece of rhetoric, in this case a pink triangle, and turn it into a symbol of power, defiance and ultimately pride.

on queer and pink triangle

I think like the word "queer," the pink triangle has been reclaimed because of an insistence that there should be pride in what others try to shame. Dominant culture or Nazi Germany has used these terms/images to try to eradicate queerness (either through elimination or assimilation), and instead queer folk, like myself, want to announce that you can't eradicate us. To me, from a perspective of radical queer politics, it's kind of a "F you" to assimilation, kind of like saying, "you're right: I am different. And I refuse to assimilate if it means assimilating into a culture of violence, misogyny, racism, and homophobia.

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