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Future Plans for Viz and Call for Contributors

Viz: The Future

First, a little background. For those of you who don't know, the re-design of the CWRL's Visual Rhetoric page as Viz and the addition of a blog was John Jones's idea. We revamped the site and added the blog in the spring while both he and I were working as the visual rhetoric developers for UT's CWRL. John was recently selected to serve as a CWRL Assistant Director, which is a two year position. He will continue to contribute to the blog, but his duties as an AD may limit those contributions. I will continue to serve as a visual rhetoric developer for the next year. Here's what you can expect to see on Viz over the course of that next year. 1) We will continue to add theory articles to the site. 2) We will continue to add assignments and bibliographic entries to the site. 3) The blog will get bigger and better. 4) We will add blog contributors and add a section to the site that will include brief bios on each contributor. 5) We will try to upload a non-copyrighted version of the visual rhetoric PowerPoint presentation we developed for use in UT's RHE 306 and RHE 309K/S classes last year, including the infamous Facebook Ambush. So, at a minimum these are the additions we're hoping to making to the site over the next year.

Call for Contributors

Now that Viz has a well-established blog, we would like to expand the circle of scholars who contribute to it. In that spirit, we are issuing a call for contributors. Anyone with an interest in visual rhetoric (broadly defined) is welcome to apply to become a Viz contributor. If you would like to be a regular or semi-regular contributor, please email Nate Kreuter at If you are interested, please email your name, institutional affiliation, and position. Also, please write us a paragraph or two (nothing fancy) on why you would like to become a Viz contributor. And if you could send us a sample of relevant scholarship, either published or unpublished, that would be very helpful (but isn't absolutely necessary). We will be re-issuing this call for contributors at least monthly, as well as posting the call on other blogs, such as UT's Pedagogy Blog, through September. We will announce new contributors no later than October. The number of contributors we add to Viz will depend on the number and quality of applicants. If you want to apply or have further questions, please don't hesitate to email. If you aren't interested in becoming a regular blog contributor but would like to make a one-time contribution to another section of the Viz site, that would be great too.


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Your contribution to the blog: Please Read Before Posting

The viz. blog is a forum for exploring the visual through identifying the connections between theory, rhetorical practice, popular culture, and the classroom. Keeping with this mission, comments on the blog should further discussion in the viz. community by extending (or critiquing) existing analysis, adding new analysis, providing interesting and relevant examples, or by making connections between that topic and theory, rhetoric, culture, or pedagogy. Trolling, spam, and any other messages not related to this purpose will be deleted immediately.

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