Submitted by Aubri Plourde on Tue, 02/24/2015 - 11:00
Last year, when Miley Cyrus gave us this delight:
the interwebs exploded with home critics—often sloppy analyses of Cyrus’s performance, rife with moral judgment and fear for the future. The outrage regards not whether the singer is talented, or whether her show was successful, but over her behavior, and, especially, her clothing.
Submitted by Deb Streusand on Mon, 12/01/2014 - 22:59
Submitted by Deb Streusand on Mon, 10/27/2014 - 14:34
Submitted by Emily Lederman on Wed, 10/15/2014 - 21:53
In his 2010 text, Developing Animals: Wildlife and Early American Photography, Matthew Brower considers the constructed nature of wildlife photography and what it tells us about historical understandings of human-animal relations. Brower is the curator of the University of Toronto Art Centre and a lecturer in museum studies in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. Beginning with an analysis of early American photographs of taxidermy, his text examines the practice of “camera hunting” in the nineteenth century, the invention of the photographic blind and Abbott Thayer’s use of photographs to make arguments about animal coloration and camouflage. Brower argues that examining these photographic practices illustrates how they construct a particular narrative of the relationship between animals and humans. Brower suggests that photos of perceived “wild animals” are staged to tell a particular story about the historical constitution of the animal and human-animal interaction.
Submitted by Deb Streusand on Mon, 09/08/2014 - 14:51
Submitted by wiedner on Tue, 09/02/2014 - 22:12
Image Credit: "Nyan Cat-Pop Tart Cat," by Chris Torres
Last week, my neighbor stopped by to tell me that he was moving, and that pets were not allowed at his new residence. With all due histrionics, he lamented the fact that he was going to take her to the shelter, and that “unless anybody here wants to adopt her, [insert overly dramatic sigh] I guess she’ll probably be put down.”