Ugh! Milk Gone Bad


So I've put off posting about this image because I find both it and PETA's numerous ways of using women in confusing and often objectified ways distasteful. They've titled one of their latest campaigns "Milk Gone Wild."
PETA's new
A just as smarmy take on Joe Francis' "Girls Gone Wild," PETA's current campaign wants to draw a connection between hot women and the dangers of drinking milk. But for me, the images they use don't add up to making any kind of supportive visual argument. Instead, they lose credibility. (Update: Some of the images below the fold might not be safe for work.)

Here are visuals of the pictures that disturb me the most:
An IM picture from
An IM picture from the



Given that you object to the imagery in this marketing campaign, you may want to read this article on the adverse effects that milk laced with hormones is having on prepubescent girls.

I don't see how this is

I don't see how this is connected to Erin's argument about PETA's imagery. The point is that connecting the argument to these images takes people away from the "for further reading" portion of the conversation. Whether one is disturbed by the monstrous teat - the abject rendering of the woman-cow hybrid - or by PETA's engagement with a culture of sexual objectification, the repulsive images detracts from the credibility of the argument to which it is attached (such as the one you linked to).

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