I am the condom friend ever useful to you

Here's a Telegu (East Indian) sex-ed video extolling the virtues of using a certain brand of condoms, featuring a Bollywood-style anthem and men dressed up as dancing condoms. I have to wonder, though, who is the target audience for this video? They address men and women both gay and straight, but the message seems geared toward a younger demographic. At the very least, the dancing condoms juxtaposed with line drawings of gay sex is jarring. But this might just be a problem of cultural legibility.

At any rate, at 7 minutes long, the video is sure to get its point across, no matter who the intended audience is.

(Contains some images that may be offensive to some, and likely not safe for work.)






It's like a cross between Bollywood, PSAs, and the Teletubbies.


i impressed....Thanks

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