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The Woman in the back with her hand raised

I think the woman in the back with her hand up is not interested in the price of bannanas or what Diaz or any other author wears, for that matter, while they write.

If it was an inquiry into images, as you propose, it was one that asked for an image of the following: how do you, personally, survive and talk about women & people of color who attempt and oftentimes fail, at survival? How do you write about women of color experiences with sexual violence and survive. How do you personally and professionally get through the haze of coloniality, white privilege/supremacy, post-feminism, internalized racism, sexual violence, food insecurity, and all the other things wrong with this world, to write and tell your truth? So that the women in the back with her hand raised, can continue seeing (and affirm) people who look like her, and know her story, so that the woman in the back can keep writing and respond to posts such as these.

Your characterization about the question regarding artistic practice..."Flirtatious, Stalkeresque, flirtatious...hmmm, definitely sounds like the banal, self-aggrandizing comments of a privileged person!


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